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As for the political horoscope which he has been so kind as to draw for me, I cannot honestly say that his astrology is at fault.

"Hamilton," began the other in an awkward, diffident fashion, "you are planning something a little vaster than usual. I am frightened. Sometimes the end of empire is St. Helena." The financier laughed. "It is not written that I can fail, Paul. It's not in my horoscope. You are right. I am planning something broader than I have done before."

She meant it as a joke, but these words were the real horoscope of the steward, who mounted the gallows by the ladder of royal favour, through the vengeance of another old woman, and the notorious treason of a man of Ballan, his secretary, whose fortune he had made, and whose name was Prevost, and not Rene Gentil, as certain persons have wrongly called him.

Could this political seer have cast his horoscope of the Thirty Years' War at this hour of its nativity for the instruction of such men as Walsingham or Burleigh, Henry of Navarre or Sully, Richelieu or Gustavus Adolphus, would the course of events have been modified?

My companion would go with his own horoscope already constructed, as he happened to know the exact hour and minute of his birth particulars as to which I only possessed the vaguest information, which is all I fancy most of us have; though there was one circumstance connected with my own natal day which went a long way towards "fixing" it.

Led by a prince of prosperous star, The Persian legions speed to war, And in his horoscope we scan The lordly victor of Túrán. If thou shouldst to the conflict rush, Opposed to conquering Saiáwush, Thy Turkish cohorts will be slain, And all thy saving efforts vain.

THEKLA. A dwarfish old man with a friendly face And snow-white hairs, whose gracious services Were mine at first sight, opened me the doors. MAX. That is the duke's astrologer, old Seni. THEKLA. He questioned me on many points; for instance, When I was born, what month, and on what day, Whether by day or in the night. COUNTESS. He wished To erect a figure for your horoscope.

This puts him in the category of heroes, and bars the idea of his being a god. It also shows that the Christians, amongst whom this story originated, were devotees of astrology. Fortune-tellers still decide your "nativity" before they cast your "horoscope." We are aware that many commentators have discussed the star of Christ's birth from various points of view.

During the latter period of pagan Rome, some of the emperors passed laws against the magicians, if it was proven that by casting the horoscope the magicians had ascertained what was, according to their belief, the most auspicious time to start a rebellion against their rule.

"The wagging finger of Fate, sir," replied Angioletto readily, "and the conjunctions of the stars. My horoscope was taken at Foligno with the utmost exactitude. Mars himself, for reasons of his own, seems to have presided over my begetting. More than that, though I have not the least desire to take your life should not, indeed, know what to do with it it will be impossible for me to avoid it.