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Around the ring she sped, her hoofs drumming against the flanks of the ring-back, her barrel slanting far over in obedience to the laws of centripetal force, her tail rippling out behind her like a homebound pennon in a fair breeze around and around and yet again and then some more. To be sure there were irregularities in the procedure.

I hear too a quail piping from the meadow fence, and another trilling his answering whistle from the hills. Nearer by, a tyrant king-bird is poised on the topmost branch of a veteran pear-tree, and now and then dashes down, assassin-like, upon some homebound, honey-laden bee, and then with a smack of his bill resumes his predatory watch.

The naturalist Lenz describes the uncontrollable grief of a Siamang gibbon who had been taken on board of a homebound English packet, where his owner tempted him with all sorts of tidbits, in the vain hope of calming his sorrow.

To the West have I been sailing, searching for a land with lumber for ship-building. Now am I homebound. Come thou with me and thou shalt be as my brother; for a good spearman art thou as ever sailed the seas; and afterward we will sail together." "I like it well," said Ulf, frankly, "and homeward will I go with thee" for that was sea-politeness then.

Alan rode down behind Hawkes on the moving ramp and found himself in a warm, brightly-lit underground world with stores, restaurants, newsboys hawking telefax sheets, milling swarms of homebound commuters. They reached the entrance to a tube and Hawkes handed him a small oval object with figures engraved on it. "That's your tube-token. It goes in the slot."

The great Shuttle of Love weaves the fabric of friendship across the seas as the ships come and go, bearing outbound and homebound missionaries to foreign fields.

"'We figure to ourselves The thing we like: and then we build it up: As chance will have it on the rock or sand When thought grows tired of wandering o'er the world, And homebound Fancy runs her bark ashore." I am sorry to see the New York World fly off at a tangent about this latest of the Wilsonian hobbies.

We'll have to get some one else on the job," he said to Steve, who had entirely recovered from the wound received at the hands of Joe Wainsworth. On that day when he went to Sandusky, Hugh had several hours to wait for his homebound train and went to walk by the shores of a bay. Some brightly colored stones attracted his attention and he picked several of them up and put them in his pockets.

"'We figure to ourselves The thing we like: and then we build it up: As chance will have it on the rock or sand When thought grows tired of wandering o'er the world, And homebound Fancy runs her bark ashore." I am sorry to see the New York World fly off at a tangent about this latest of the Wilsonian hobbies.

The storm burst on Banneker, homebound, just as he emerged from the woodland, in a wild, thrashing wind from the southwest and a downpour the most fiercely, relentlessly insistent that he had ever known. A cactus desert in the rare orgy of a rainstorm is a place of wonder.