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It is quite clear to me that the deceased made no testament, none at least before a notary." "But," objected M. Destourbet, "he may have executed a holograph testament." "It is certain, gentlemen," interrupted Manette, with her soft, plaintive voice, "that our dear gentleman did not go without putting his affairs in order.

The pile of letters waiting to be answered on the table in the smoking room reminded him that he had forgotten a most pressing necessity a typist. He could sign letters all right, with a very good imitation of Rochester's signature, but a holograph letter in the same hand was beyond him.

"Because I have already had a whack at it." I then possessed, indeed, in reply to an application on my part, a holograph of twelve pages in the elegant calligraphy of H.M. Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the same gentleman who was viciously attacked by the Pankhurst section for his supposed pro-Germanism. It conveyed no grain of hope.

It spoke of the lowly household tasks that Mme Lacoste had performed with such goodwill from the beginning, and of the reward for her diligence which came to her by the making of a holograph will in which her husband made her his sole heir. But the understanding between husband and wife did not last long, the acte went on.

Then the will itself was in holograph, written out in Wallingford's own hand on a single sheet of paper, in the briefest possible fashion, and witnessed by his two clerks. And, most important and significant of all, it had been executed only a week previously. "Do you know how that strikes me?" observed Tansley in a low voice, as if he feared to be overheard.

In the same handwriting as the signature were added two holograph lines: "Glad you have the children home again. Maud will be round to see them soon." Mr.

At least his master could not fairly criticize his legibility, for is it not on record that when Napoleon's holograph account of an engagement was laid before the President of the Senate, the worthy man thought that it was a drawn plan of the battle? Meneval survived his master and has left an excellent and intimate account of him.

Suppose I had been wrong in believing that sorrow is the keynote of life; that pain is the road of ascent, if road there be; that an implacable Nature and that only, presides over all our pitiful struggles and seekings and writes a black "Finis" to the holograph of our existence? What then? What was she teaching me?

At the name of Trognon he caught a glimpse of machinations of some kind; perhaps a flaw purposely inserted, or premeditated treachery on La Cibot's part. He would prevent this. Trognon should dictate a holograph will which should be signed and deposited in a sealed envelope in a drawer.

"I have decided, for reasons of my own, to make a holograph will at your dictation, and to deposit it with my friend here. Is this possible?" "Quite possible," said the notary. "Will you write? I will begin to dictate " "Schmucke, bring me my little Boule writing-desk. Speak low, sir," he added; "we may be overheard." "Just tell me, first of all, what you intend," demanded the notary.