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Sometimes he tried to whistle he tried a bar of Schubert's "Serenade," but consciously stopped. Again and again under his breath as loud as he dared, he called the name "Ellen" and stood gazing at the moon, and then tried to hippety-hop, but his limp stopped that.

She almost laughed once or twice when she met an eye and thought how funny she must look "tearing along" with her long, thick, black jacket bumping against her.... She would leave it off to-morrow and go out in a blouse and her long black lace scarf. She imagined Harriett at her side Harriett's long scarf and longed to do the "crab walk" for a moment or the halfpenny dip, hippety-hop.

You don't want Sabina, I take it?" "Yes, if she will consent to come." "I doubt if she will, but I'll see. Besides, now that I come to think about it, it's only fair I should allow my doting parents to know that I am about to desert them." With that Katherine quitted the room, and went down the stairs hippety-hop.

You know what a mouse-like little walk he has, scratching along the sidewalk so demurely; but to-night, after he passed our place I heard him actually break into a hippety-hop, and as I was sitting on the veranda, I could hear him clicking clear down to the new stone walk in front of the post-office."

The challenger chuckled deprecatingly over the carelessness of judgment evinced: "Price Mason's pony comes down with a hippety-hop," he remarked pityingly "lemme listen it's no, taint, aint favorin' his right front foot it's wy!" the challenger suddenly twisted his head to one side and held it there like a lean-crawed chicken deciding where to peck.