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They must be regarded as approximate, since several disturbing factors and some secondary reactions render difficult their exact application under the conditions of analysis. They are: Zn Cd Fe Ni Pb H Cu Sb Hg Ag SO +0.77 +0.42 +0.34 +0.33 +0.13 0 -0.34 -0.67 -0.76 -0.79 +1.90

The last extended study of the subject was made by E. v. He publishes a large number of excellent photo-micrographs, but none more typical than one I have in my possession. Hg. The man had been blinded by wood alcohol. At the time I could find no other report in the literature, but overlooked a publication by Lewin and Guillery. Friedenberg has since reported cases of the same nature.

To demonstrate the effect of the curve, let there be described about the centre L the circular arc AH, cutting LG at H; and about the centre F the arc BP; and in AB let AS be taken equal to 2/3 of HG; and SE equal to GD. Then considering AH as a wave of light emanating from the point L, it is certain that during the time in which its piece H arrives at G the piece A will have advanced within the transparent body only along AS; for I suppose, as above, the proportion of the refraction to be as 3 to 2.

"Do you know what they plan to do about us, sir?" Captain Jellico grunted and there was a sardonic twist to his mouth as he replied, "It's my opinion that they're now busy adding up the list of crimes you four have committed maybe they had to turn the big HG computer loose on the problem. The tally isn't in yet.

Over the tube, C, a mantle, E, is slipped, which contains two holes, HG, on opposite sides, and made nearly at the height of the outlet of the gas. When the gas passes out of this and upward into the burner, it induces a current of air up through the holes, HG, and carries it along with it.

This is the history of many a "short cut" into knowledge. Thus the wisest men of past centuries believed in astrology. Paracelsus, who gave to the world the use of Hg in therapeutics, relied in large part for his diagnosis and cures upon alchemy and astrology. Without meaning to pun, we may dismiss the claims of palmistry offhand.