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That evening was a very sad one at all the firesides where a member was missing. As the night passed without any of the absent men making their appearance, the anxieties of their families increased. In Mr. Hersebom's house nobody went to bed. They passed the long hours of waiting seated in a circle around the fire, silent and anxious.

The spot where my mother was born, and where her ashes now rest, is perhaps profaned and trodden under foot, and I am powerless to defend and protect it." These thoughts saddened Erik. Sometimes he would tell himself that he had a mother in Dame Katrina, and a home at Mr. Hersebom's, and that Noroe was his country.

Everywhere the drift was floating freely, the waves came and went, but the whole aspect of things around them looked strange and different. At length Erik stopped. Now he understood what had befallen them. He took Mr. Hersebom's hand and pressed it with both his own. "Father," said he, in a grave voice, "you are one of those to whom I can only speak the truth.

Erik's first action was to drop on his knees beside the cold body, and apply his ear to his heart. "He is alive, I feel it beat," he cried. Mr. Malarias had taken one of Mr. Hersebom's hand's, and was feeling his pulse and he shook his head, sadly and doubtfully; but he would not neglect any of the means which are usually tried in such cases.

"A pleasant traveling companion truly," Mr. Marsilas could not help saying. Mr. Bredejord was about to answer, when a frightful noise at the head of the staircase prevented him. They heard cries, and barking, and a confusion of voices. Everybody arose and ran on deck. The tumult had been caused by Kaas, Mr. Hersebom's Greenland dog. It seemed that he did not approve of Mr.