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Hello himself persecuted heretics with patronising scorn, but was already ready to drop into a hymn of praise to the Madonna. I had then read two of Hello's books, Le Style and M. Renan, L'Allemagne et l'Atheisme au 19me Siecle. Such productions are called books, because there is no other name for them. As a matter of fact, idle talk and galimatias of the sort are in no wise literature.

All right, don't remonstrate, I am coming over to lunch I can't hear you never mind what people will say. I am coming over to lunch at one o'clock, mind you are in. Good-bye, I don't want much to eat, but have something for Snell and the chauffeur. Good-bye." Then the wire went dead, nor could all Alan's "Hello's" and "Are you there's?" extract another syllable.

Given the subject, the fire which should course through these magnificent phrases is absent, there lacks the cry of the love that faints, the gift of the superhuman exile, the mystical soul. On the other hand, Hello's "Physionomies de Saints" are worth reading.

The telephone instrument was in a tall narrow box with a handle at the side, and the signaler ground the handle vigorously for a minute and shouted a long string of hello's into the instrument, rapidly twirled the handle again and shouted, twirled and shouted. The Towers watched him in some amusement.

I lifted the receiver and to my amazed joy heard a voice that I could have recognized in a thousand. It was Zoe! I was quite incapable of any remark, and my confusion was further increased when, after a few "Hello's," which I idiotically repeated, her clear, level tones said: "Is that you, Karl? How are you?" How was I? What a question to ask!