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It was fit for hell. And Leclere, with fiendish ken, seemed to divine each particular nerve and heartstring, and with long wails and tremblings and sobbing minors to make it yield up its last shred of grief.

A rather small cellar cabaret, specializing in Hungarian wines and such nibbling delicacies as túrós csusza, the cheese gnocchis; but specializing as well or even more so in romantic atmosphere dominated by heartstring touching of gypsy violins, as musicians strolled about quietly, pausing at this table or that to lean so close to a feminine ear that the lady was all but caressed.

And the fellow can talk if he would has humour, too, if one could get it out; and eloquence, could I but touch the right string, the heartstring. I'll try again. Gilb. Yes, sir. Sir W. Pray what regiment was it that was passing yesterday through the village of Bannow? Gilb. I do not know, indeed, sir.

The rest was that one night he found himself in debt to the sharper eight thousand pieces of gold! an amount so prodigious that it simply stupefied him to think of it. It was a night of woe in that house. "I must part with my library I have nothing else. So perishes one heartstring," said the old man. "What will it bring, father?" asked the girl. "Nothing!

The thought in Gwen's heart was: "Pity me too, Granny, for I too I, with all the wealth of the world at my feet! shall feel a heartstring snap when this frail old waif and stray, so strangely found by me in a London slum, so strangely brought back by me into your life again, has passed away into the unknown."

But it is simpler to take on the cold glaze of sophistication than to remain simple. When the eyelids become weary, it is as if little red dancing shoes were being wrapped away forever, or a very tight heartstring had suddenly sagged, and when plucked at could no longer plong.

The rest was that one night he found himself in debt to the sharper eight thousand pieces of gold! an amount so prodigious that it simply stupefied him to think of it. It was a night of woe in that house. "I must part with my library I have nothing else. So perishes one heartstring," said the old man. "What will it bring, father?" asked the girl. "Nothing!