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With these last, the capital letters are much adorned by loops, hooks and curves, noticeable principally in the heads of the letters, or at their commencements.

A poet would have admired their two heads, inspired by the same sentiment, colored in the same tones, silent and saddened in presence of that humming happiness sparkling in diamonds, gay with flowers, a gayety in which there was something fleeting. The joy of those noisy and splendid groups was visible; that of Ginevra and Luigi was buried in their bosom.

Nor did he open his eyes again, but lay there marvelling thus until the bandage was properly tied about his head and sewed together. Then once more he opened his eyes and looked up to ask where he was. Upon hearing him speak, his attendants showed excessive signs of joy, nodding their heads and smiling at him as though to reassure him.

"All six of them went into the woods toward the north about two hours ago. They went on snowshoes," said Tom. The three woodsmen said never a word, but standing there in the driving snow, at the heads of the horses, they looked at each other for some moments.

Some said the rescued men were Frenchmen, others that they were Danes, but all were agreed that there was a dead body among them. One by one the survivors came along the pier, the most dismal procession it was ever my lot to behold eleven live but scarcely living men, most of them clad in oilskins, and walking with bowed backs, drooping heads and nerveless arms.

It was extraordinary to see the heads of the combatants moving among the reeds as they stabbed at each other with the great spears, till one went down. There were few wounded in that fray, for those who fell sank in the mud and water and were drowned. On the whole the Pongo, who were operating in what was almost their native element, were getting the best of it, and driving the Mazitu back.

Adams entered, accompanied by the heads of departments, the marshal of the district and his officers, and took his seat in the speaker's chair.

When he was less than a year old, hence bringing with him no knowledge of any other place than this." "And you mean that they have never gone out from here?" "Would they thrust their heads through solid rock? Would they tread along corridors carpeted with snakes? Would they grow wings and soar to the stars up there?

Time enough by-and-by when you have gone through school and been at college, and got a little more knowledge than you now possess in your heads to start on such an expedition.

The weight of the down-fall of that father of waves, even then imminent above their heads, could stun a man or break the fragile bones of a woman. The captain of Number Nine was unconscious that he was holding his breath. He was oblivious of the man. It was the woman.