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Common courtesy forced her to comply. So Margaret seated herself on a little red rustic bench. In the moonlight but I think I have mentioned how Margaret looked in the moonlight; and above her golden head the Eagle, sculptured over the door-way, stretched his wings to the uttermost, half-protectingly, half-threateningly, and seemed to view Mr. Jukesbury with a certain air of expectation.

He paused at that, and, looking fixedly at his manager, shook his head half-threateningly. "I'll tell you what it is, Ambler," he went on, after a moment's silence. "I've got a good, strong mind to go straight to the police authorities, tell 'em what I know, insist on 'em fetching Chettle up from Hull at once, and having that woman arrested. Why not?" "No!" said Appleyard firmly. "Not yet.

The mantel stood behind Margaret's chair; and over her golden head, half-protectingly, half-threateningly, with his wings outstretched to the uttermost, the Eagle brooded as he had once brooded over Frederick R. Woods. The old man sat contentedly beneath that symbol of what he had achieved in life. To him, the Eagle meant that crude, incalculable power of wealth he gloried in.

It was said half-mockingly, half-threateningly; but it brought home to me at once the situation in which I was; and I must have become serious, which he saw, and endeavoured to turn me to a lighter mood. "You must be hungry," he continued; "I will ring for breakfast; and, if you would take a tub, your bathroom is here."

"You must go, professor," said Conrad, placing himself immediately in front of his master, and looking at him half-imploringly, half-threateningly "you must go; you will give your old Conrad the pleasure of being able to say to the impudent servants of Herr Gottsched that my master has also been to the King of Prussia.

"I'll have to see about that!" he rejoined, half-banteringly, half-threateningly. "There is something else to come, even more irritating," she said, less intently and smiling. "So please be prepared to hold your temper." "I shall not beat my fist on the table defending war as you did defending peace!" he retaliated with significant enjoyment. But she used his retort for an opening.