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"Because you would be vengeful when you should have been forgiving." "'Twas not revenge, just then, though while I live I shall have ample cause to hate this man." "What was it, then?" "It was love; love for you, and and Richard Jennifer." She rose, and I could see her eyes ashine for all the half-gloom of the candle-light.

And so shall you see us go, and the smoke and the bitterness of the sulphur to be all about us; and oddwhiles the murmuring of a far-off pit, and oft the utter silence; and to pass this time a lonesome fire-hole; and afterward the utter dark, or the half-gloom, all as might chance, according to the nearness of the fires.

Her dark glowing gaze brooded on him with a sort of intense determination. Then she went on, "It it involves my whole future as well as your own, though in a different way. So come inside, if you please." Weir in silence accompanied her upon the dark, broad, vine-clad porch. In the half-gloom he found chairs for them. "I'm going to the point at once," she declared. "Why did Mr.

And, sudden, I heard the sound of it, running very swiftly and coming nigh; and it passed me, and did go up the stream; and there was surely a quick stupor upon me; for I ducked not my head under the water; but stayed very still; which as it did chance, was maybe not such an utter foolishness; for my head did seem in that half-gloom to be, mayhap, no more than a little rock in the water, and I made no move to tell of life; yet should the Hound have smelled me; and that it failed in this matter, doth be a puzzle to me.