United States or Eswatini ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"It's my peculiar hopinion," said Mr Easthupp, one evening, pulling at the frill of his shirt, "that a gentleman should behave as a gentleman, and that if a gentleman professes hopinions of hequality and such liberal sentiments, that he is bound as a gentle man to hact up to them."

But the admiral wouldn't hear o' it; he kept on declarin' that we was honest traders, and that to capture the Spanish ships 'd be a hact of piracy which would get us into no end o' trouble to home, and perhaps bring about war betwixt England and Spain; and at last t'others give in to mun and let mun have mun's own way.

"Peraps at this present momink of Railway Hagetation and unsafety the follying little istory of a young friend of mine may hact as an olesome warning to hother week and hirresolute young gents. "Young Frederick Timmins was the horphan son of a respectable cludgyman in the West of Hengland.

To wirtuperate in company a'n't pleasant, and Hi've thought of a plan which may hact as an himpediment to your vulgarity. Recollect, Mr T, whenhever I say that Hi've an 'eadache, it's to be a sign for you to 'old your tongue; and, Mr T, hoblige me by wearing kid gloves all the evening." "What! at dinner time, my dear?" "Yes, Mr T, at dinner time; your 'ands are not fit to be touched."

"Oh, a friend of yours ha! Persons of that class do not pervade these regions! And wot do I be'old grasped in your 'and?" Hazel looked down at the rose she held and trembled anew. "Little girl wot is it?" demanded the inexorable voice. "A rose, sir." "Was it your rose?" "N-no, sir." "Don't you know as it's a wicked hact to take what ain't yours?

"It's my peculiar hopinion," said Mr Easthupp, one evening, pulling at the frill of his shirt, "that a gentleman should behave as a gentleman, and that if a gentleman professes opinions of inequality and such liberal sentiments, that he is bound as a gentleman to hact up to them."

"Ah, that's very well, Aby; but you did not see him." "Do you think that would make hany difference? When a man's a job of work to do, 'e should do it. Them's my notions. Do you think a man like that is to go and hact in that way, and then not pay for it? Whose wife is she, I'd like to know?"

Yes, sir, you have taken her character and her bread from her by the same hact, and wot I have come to say is that I won't have it." Mr. Shaw began to lose his temper little Mrs. Reed had long ago lost hers. "Look here, my good woman," he said, "it's very fine for you to talk in that high-handed style to me, but you can't get over the fact that five pounds are missing."