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Remember, they wouldn't rise against us in cold blood, but now that he has plucked up courage to give them a lead they'll go. The servant tells me that they called upon the escort to join them in the name of God and the Guru, and the murderers were calling out Wa Guru! and Guru-ji ki Fatih! as they rushed in.

"I am most grateful, guru-ji," she murmured demurely, also in the vernacular; and stood so shaken a little by her fright: unreasonably disappointed that it was not Roy; relieved, that the providential intruder chanced to be a holy man. "Will you not speed my brave little lamp with your blessing?"

His smile arrested and puzzled her; and his face, more clearly seen, lacked the unmistakable stamp of the ascetic. "You are not less brave yourself, sister," he said, "venturing thus boldly and alone...." The implication annoyed her; but anxious not to be misjudged, she answered truthfully: "I am not as those others, guru-ji. I am England-returned; still out of purdah ... out of caste."

"Why these airs of the zenana with one enlightened like yourself...?" He broke off and retreated abruptly. For a shadowy figure had sauntered into view. Arúna sprang towards it zenana airs forgotten. "Oh, Roy !" "Did you call, Arúna?" he asked. "Thought I heard you. This fellow bothering you ? I'll settle him " Turning, he said politely: "My cousin is here, under my escort, to make pujah, guru-ji.