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And she was staying Roy's impatience now, with cigarettes and coffee and the tale of Arúna 'England-returned. She had revealed little by letter; an uncharacteristic touch of caution derived from her husband, who questioned the wisdom of her bold incursion into the complexities and jarring elements of a semi-modern Hindu household.

"Don't oh, don't!" he cried low, his own nerves quivering with her pain. "How can I not" she wailed, battling with fresh sobs. "Because of your Indian mother I hoped.... But for me England-returned no hope anywhere: no true country now; no true belief; no true home; everything divided in two; only my heart not divided. And that you cannot have, even if you would " Tears threatened again.

He levelled his eyes at her with awakened interest; then: "Frankness for frankness is fair exchange, sister. I am no guru; but like yourself, England-returned; caste restored, however. Dedicated to service of the Mother " It was her turn to start and scrutinise him discreetly. "Yet you make pretence of holiness ?"

His smile arrested and puzzled her; and his face, more clearly seen, lacked the unmistakable stamp of the ascetic. "You are not less brave yourself, sister," he said, "venturing thus boldly and alone...." The implication annoyed her; but anxious not to be misjudged, she answered truthfully: "I am not as those others, guru-ji. I am England-returned; still out of purdah ... out of caste."