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If ye have to rowt, ye can rowt amang the kye; and the maist feck of the caapital punishmeiit ye're like to come across'll be guddling trouts. Now, I'm for no idle lairdies; every man has to work, if it's only at peddling ballants; to work, or to be wheeped, or to be haangit.

If ye have to rowt, ye can rowt amang the kye; and the maist feck of the caapital punishment ye're like to come across'll be guddling trouts. Now, I'm for no idle lairdies; every man has to work, if it's only at peddling ballants; to work, or to be wheeped, or to be haangit.

But a stone's throw distant the sun was bathing in the dimpled Thames. There was a cawing of rooks among the tall trees, and a church-bell tinkled in the ivy far away across the river. Mr. Labouchere was far away too. He was a round-cheeked boy again, smothering his kitten in his pinafore, prattling of Red Riding Hood by his school-mistress's knee, and guddling in the brook for minnows.

Girdle, a griddle. Glengarry bonnet, a small cap without visor. Greet, weep. Guddling, catching fish with the hands. Isna, is not. Keek, a peep. Ken, know. Kilmarnock bonnet, a tam-o'-shanter. Kirk, church. Biro, a churn. Kist, a chest. Laird, a lord, a landed proprietor. Laverock, the lark. Limmer, a mischievous person. Losh, an exclamation. Loup, to leap. Lug, ear.

Aye, it's a good game, and you might go dandering along a stream all day playing with it, but if you really want fish, just go after 'em yourself! That's my way. Guddling for trout like you saw me and Jock do, that's the real sport!" "I believe you," said Alan. "I'm going to try it myself. Come on. Let's go farther up stream and see if we can find another good fishing-hole.

Ralph, who had followed the stone, stood up to his knees in the water, looking the picture of crestfallen humility. Overhead on the bank Andra danced madly like an imp. He would not have dared to speak to Ralph on any other occasion, but guddling, like curling, loosens the tongue.

'Deed and I wonder that your mother lets you go out alone, you're that careless with yourself. And you not long out of a sick bed, too." "He was guddling for trout," shouted Jock and Sandy in one breath; "and the hole was deep. There was no one sitting on him, and syne over he went!"