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It was the kind of blow he felt in his rage that he would have liked to direct at John Grange's head, but as in his unreasonable jealous spite it was only a good-sized earthenware pot, the result was very unsatisfactory, for the flower was broken, the pot shattered, and a couple of red spots appeared on Daniel Barnett's knuckles, which began to bleed freely. "That's it, is it?" he muttered.

"But when John Grange's bad accident happened, of course I had to put down my foot firmly, and say it could not be." "It seems very hard, James Ellis," sighed his mistress; "but I suppose it was right." Then she added quickly: "You are afraid of the poor girl hearing such a rumour?" "More than that, ma'am," said the bailiff huskily; "I'm afraid it would kill her, or send her melancholy mad."

The fundamental need of agriculture was that farmers should be better educated for their business; and the immediate need was that of cultivating the spirit of brotherhood between the North and the South. The latter need no longer exists; but the fundamental need still remains and is sufficient excuse for the Grange's existence today. Mr.

His part in La Grange's treachery, and in carrying out later the Governor's orders, would be hard to explain. To lay the blame on La Grange would not help his case, at least until he could consult with Father Claude, and be prepared to speak deliberately. "My brother does not reply?" "He will ask a question," replied Menard. "What is the will of the chiefs to do with the sons of Onontio?"

"Yes, I shall advise her to let it go, and I'll ask her to sanction Williams being taken on. He says he can come and fill poor Grange's place at once."

"I cannot believe this is the truth, but even if it is I forbid you to speak." "Yes; he'd better," put in old Hannah, shaking her head severely at her husband; and the meal was finished in silence. Another month had passed, and John Grange's position remained unchanged.

"Why does she say I am a beautiful child?" she was thinking. "I am not beautiful at all. Colonel Grange's little girl, Isobel, is beautiful. She has dimples and rose-colored cheeks, and long hair the color of gold. I have short black hair and green eyes; besides which, I am a thin child and not fair in the least. I am one of the ugliest children I ever saw. She is beginning by telling a story."