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The business of this arduous day being finished, Toussaint had retired early to rest, in a chamber in the south wing of Government-house the part which had been inhabited by the French functionaries. His secretary, who had taken some hours' rest before, was busy writing, after midnight, in an apartment in the same wing.

On the eastern neck of land the increase of the town has been stopped by the government-house, and its adjoining domains, which occupy the whole of what is called Bennillong's Point. With the exception of the portion of the shore thus enclosed, the water-side is occupied by wharfs, warehouses, ship-yards, mills, and all the other buildings which mark a naval and commercial town.

"Yes," replied Atkins, "and he governs here in rey absoluto so come along." Jack and Gascoigne, having no choice, walked up to the government-house, where they found Sir Thomas in the veranda, which commanded a view of the harbour and offing. "Come here, young gentlemen," said the Governor, in a severe tone; "do you see that vessel about two miles clear of the port?

My vackeel, that attended him according to ancient custom, has been ignominiously dismissed from his presence, and not suffered to approach the Government-House. He has in the meanest manner, and as he thought in secret, been tampering and intriguing with my family and relations for the worst of purposes.

At the gate of Government-house he was received by General Moyse, who had been almost the last person in Cap to hear of his arrival. L'Ouverture acknowledged his military greeting; and then, turning to his aides, said in a calm tone, which yet was heard half-way down the Walk, and thence propagated through the town, as if by echoes "General Moyse is under arrest."

On the Unterland are the principal streets and shops, on the Oberland are many of the best hotels and government-house.

It is impossible for the thoughtful student of history to walk across Trafalgar Square, and gaze on the image of the mightiest naval hero that ever lived, on the summit of his lofty column and guarded by the royal lions, looking down towards the government-house of the land that he freed from the dread of Napoleonic invasion and towards that ancient church wherein the most sacred memories of English talent and English toil are clustered together, it is impossible, I say, to look at this, and not admire both the artistic instinct that devised so happy a symbolism, and the rare good-fortune of our Teutonic ancestors in securing a territorial position so readily defensible against the assaults of despotic powers.

Themistocles even took it upon himself to send Sicinnus to run down several suspects, and just on the morning of the day preceding the Panathenæathe great summer festivalDemocrates received a hint which sent him home very thoughtful. He had met his chief in the Agora as he was leaving the Government-House, and Themistocles had again asked if he had smelt aught of the Persian agent. He had not.

Boardman continues: "We had been at the Government-house but a short time, when it was agreed to evacuate the town and retire to the warf a large wooden building of six rooms.

"My child, there is danger in the air we breathe, and the ground we tread on: but there is protection also, everywhere." "You will see Afra, father," said Aimee. "If there is danger, what will become of Afra? Her father will be in the front, in any disturbance: and Government-house is far from being the safest place." "I will not forget Afra. Farewell, my children!