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"I know it's no use trying to move you," he said, "but you're on a silly, dangerous, wild goose-chase." "And what about yourself?" Trent asked. "I imagine you have some other purpose in taking this voyage than just to argue with me." "I am going to see," Da Souza said, "that you do as little mischief as possible." Trent walked the length of the deck and back.

"Unless there is something more to be done on the spot, I think we'd better take the road over the hills. It's with you, Mr. Colbrith." The president signified his assent by climbing into his buckboard, and the return journey was begun with the two engineers in the lead for pathfinding purposes. Once safely out of earshot, Frisbie voiced his disgust. "A wild goose-chase, pure and simple!

And then I remembered that it had that I had taken it off when I had changed my coat and for the few moments that I was searching for Natalie. I remembered that the woman had sent me on that goose-chase, and that at every other station she had tried to get rid of me on some fool-errand. "I gave a roar like a mad bull, and I jumped down the stairs, six steps at a time.

Had she deceived me when she told me that she was the daughter of old Dumont the jeweller? If so, then I had sent Bindo back to London on a wild goose-chase. We passed back into the roulette rooms, and for quite a long time she stood at the first table at the left of the entrance, watching the game intently. A man I knew passed, and I crossed to chat with him.

"Why have I gone on a goose-chase?" he asked; "because I have twice as many ears as eyes." This being so, he stuck fast to the conviction which he had nourished all along, that the scheme of invasion was a sham, intended to keep the British fleet at home, while the enemy ravaged our commerce and colonies afar.

Cheeseman, who was then in a condition of absorbing interest with Polly, made it her last request in this world for she never expected to get over it that Jemmy should not run in debt on a goose-chase, and fetch her poor spirit from its grave again.

Meanwhile let him pursue other clues. Why send the trained mind on what may be a goose-chase?" The argument had effect. Mr. Marrapit dropped into a chair. George explained. To follow the clue necessitated, he said, instant departure by train. He would write fullest details; would wire from time to time if necessary. His uncle must trust him implicitly.

"Give me the word, and I will send one of my men to hough their horses and, if need be, cripple themselves." Marker laughed. "You are an honest fool, Fazir Khan. That sort of thing is past now. We live in the wrong times and places for it. We cannot keep them here, but we must send them on a goose-chase. Do you understand?" "I understand nothing.