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After that no one would take the dogs out again. They needed them for something else, and the dogs knew it; and though they were tied down and fed by hand, their eyes were full of despair and fear. To make things worse, the old women began to tell ghost-tales, and to say that they had met the spirits of the dead hunters lost that autumn, who prophesied all sorts of horrible things.

All at once he heard through the stillness for there is nothing so still as a mountain-side in snow a little pitiful bleat. All his terrors vanished, all his memories of ghost-tales passed away; his heart gave a leap of joy; he was sure it was the cry of the lambs. He stopped to listen more surely.

All at once he heard through the stillness for there is nothing so still as a mountainside in snow a little pitiful bleat. All his terrors vanished; all his memories of ghost-tales passed away; his heart gave a leap of joy; he was sure it was the cry of the lambs. He stopped to listen more surely.

Harvey had a notion that the east coast of his native land, from Mount Desert south, was populated chiefly by people who took their horses there in the summer and entertained in country-houses with hardwood floors and Vantine portires. He laughed at the ghost-tales, not as much as he would have done a month before, but ended by sitting still and shuddering.

Well, as I was saying, those old fellows would bury their hoards in some cave or other, and then go off and get hanged. Their ghosts perhaps came back. The darkies have lots of ghost-tales about them. But their money is still here, lots of it, you bet your life." "Do they ever make any finds?" I asked. "Nothing big that I know of. A jug full of old coins now and then.

"Hal, I hope you aren't going to take up with this nonsense, and risk the success of the Centennial Old Home Week." "I can't see what good we should be doing," said the new editor. "It's big news, if it's true," suggested Wayne, rather wistfully. "Suppression of a real epidemic." "Ghost-tales and goblin-shine," laughed the big doctor, recovering his good humor. "Who's the physician down there?"