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The broad field he was crossing sloped down to the house, so that, as he came nearer, he saw the little room quite plainly in the red glow of the fire within, the curtains being undrawn. He had a keen eye; did not fail to see the marks of poverty about the place, the gateless fences, even the bare room with its worn and patched carpet: noted it all with a triumphant gleam of satisfaction.

A crumbled wheel hung, rotten and moss-grown, over a dry water-course, where straggling willows stretched out from the bank and trailed their long, feathery ends a yard or so above the level of the weeds and grasses that carpeted the sandy bed of it, and along its edge once built as a protection for the heedless or unwary, but now a ruin and a wreck a moss-grown wall with a narrow, gateless archway made an irregular shadow on the moon-drenched earth.

The chaise took the turn in the road, passed through the gateless gap in our rough inclosure-wall of loose stone, and rapidly approached us. A bonnet appeared at the window and a hand gayly waved a white handkerchief. Powers of caprice, confusion, and dismay! It was Jessie Yelverton herself arriving, without a word of warning, exactly ten days before her time.

The Neapolitan frontier crossed, after two hours' travelling; and the hungriest of soldiers and custom-house officers with difficulty appeased; we enter, by a gateless portal, into the first Neapolitan town Fondi. Take note of Fondi, in the name of all that is wretched and beggarly.

For long the two stood speechless before that astonishing, yet inevitable, third; that miracle of incorporate self-expression, whereby a man and woman behold their hidden spirits that have so passionately clung together across the gateless barrier of individual being, 'visibly here commingled and made flesh. Then Lenox put out a hand and caressed the small soft head, reverently, cautiously, as if to verify its actuality.

Suddenly, looking in the officer's unmoved face, they realised the uselessness of words, turned and ran between the gateless posts, out upon, away over, the dusty, hoof-tracked, wheel-scored veld.

Put a blab on your office boy." He rolled his thumb at young Hudson. "And hereafter if you ever horn in on my affairs so much as the weight of a finger tip I'm tellin' you now! I'll appear to you!" The world was palpably a triangle, baseless to southward; walled out by iron, radiant ramparts a black range, gateless, on the east; a gray range on the west, broken, spiked, and bristling.