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The miracles attributed to Jesus are of two main kinds, the expulsion of demons as a means of curing ills and allegorical fulfillments of supposed Old Testament prophecies. The first kind has been sufficiently examined. The second can be touched upon only briefly.

Following this he sighed with a great contentment and twiddled his bare toes openly and flagrantly in the eyes of all Coldriver. He is said now to have uttered the first words to fall from his mouth in the town where were to lie his life's unfoldings and fulfillments. They were significant in the light of subsequent activities.

There were records of experiences, particularly of notable fulfillments, and it became possible to make lists of dreams with interpretations; these were written down and passed on from generation to generation, increasing in volume as they went. Such manuals have played no inconsiderable part in the life of the people. +924+. Ordeals.

The interpreters were magicians, priests, or sages men in intimate association with deities and acquainted with their modes and vehicles of revelation; dreams thus became equivalent to oracular responses. An interpreter would become famous in proportion to the number of fulfillments of his interpretations, and his god would share in the glory of his renown.

The fashion of delving out fulfillments of prophecy where that prophecy consists of mere "ifs," trenches upon the absurd.

It is well watered, and its affluent vegetation gains effect by contrast with the barren hills that tower on either side. One of these hills is the ancient Mount of Blessings and the other the Mount of Curses and wise men who seek for fulfillments of prophecy think they find here a wonder of this kind to wit, that the Mount of Blessings is strangely fertile and its mate as strangely unproductive.

All these events, and many more, are said to be fulfillments of the Prophecies of the Old Testament, see Mat. 1, 2: and 4 chapters, and ch. 8: v. 16,17, and ch. 9: 11,13, and ch. 13: 13, ch. 21: 2 7. 15,16, ch. 22: 31, 32, ch. 26: 54, 56, ch. 27: 5 10. Jesus himself is represented as proving the truth of Christianity thus.

I hope that the above discussion and examples will suffice until further objection can be raised to make it seem credible that even dreams with a painful content are to be analyzed as the fulfillments of wishes. Nor will it seem a matter of chance that in the course of interpretation one always happens upon subjects of which one does not like to speak or think.

"'Few mortals know that the kingdom of God includes the kingdom of mundane fulfillments, Babaji observed. 'The divine realm extends to the earthly, but the latter, being illusory, cannot include the essence of reality.

Here the theologian it was hard for a seventeenth-century writer not to be a theologian was cropping out. But the scientific spirit came to the front again when he made the point that imagination was too apt to color observations made upon bewitched and witch. The suggestion that coincidence explained many of the alleged fulfillments of witch predictions was equally in advance of his times.