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Gresham was sick, and David came up for father; so I asked him to stay and we had it out! What do you think that boy wanted? To be engaged now!" "Mercy! And you only thirteen!" "I talked him out of it in a hurry, and I guess he sees it as I do. He's the dearest boy and the foolishest!" "Yes, David is a dear boy, the most agreeable of his age I ever knew! He is so thoughtful and winsome."

Crown-Prince Friedrich is still very young for marriage-speculations on his score: but Mamma has thought good to take matters in time. And so we shall, in the next ensuing parts of this poor History, have to hear almost as much about Marriage as in the foolishest Three-volume Novel, and almost to still less purpose.

But immediately she saw him again, sitting forlornly in the chair, with the whole of the left side of his face criss-crossed in whitish-grey plaster, she was ready to cry over him and flatter his foolishest whim. She wanted to take him in her arms, if he would but have allowed her.

"Well, things went along smooth enough for a while, until one day that dog began to get into the habit of running around after his tail. He was the foolishest dog about that I ever saw. Used to chase his tail round and round until he'd get so giddy he couldn't bark.

That thought haunted me. Fancy Nance Olden starved and blundering into the cheapest and most easily detected species of thieving! I suppose great generals in their hour of defeat imagine themselves doing the feeblest, foolishest things.

Sincere wise speech is but an imperfect corollary, and insignificant outer manifestation, of sincere wise thought. He whose very tongue utters falsities, what has his heart long been doing? The thought of his heart is not its wisest, not even its wisest; it is its foolishest; and even of that we have a false and foolish copy.

"'Good, says I. 'Then telegraph to the first place east to send one hundred dollars' worth of toys out here on Number Three. Here's your money. "Well, he picked away, and then we waited. Bimeby we got the foolishest kind of answer: 'What sort of toys? How much of each? etc. "'Michael and the Archangels all, says I, 'how am I supposed to know? Ain't that part of a toy-shop man's business?