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At every pause in the music she gracefully waved her flower-basket round, inviting the loiterers to buy; and many a sesterce was showered into the basket, either in compliment to the music or in compassion to the songstress for she was blind. 'It is my poor Thessalian, said Glaucus, stopping; 'I have not seen her since my return to Pompeii. Hush! her voice is sweet; let us listen.

She picked up her flower-basket and went that way, and with due surprise and pleasure, Michael looked up from his paper at exactly the right moment and caught sight of her. He came toward her with just the proper amount of haste and raised his straw hat in a gay good-morning. "Isn't it a divine day," he said.

Wllmot's answer, while Ethel scrambled in, and tried to make herself small, an art in which she was not very successful; and Norman gave an exclamation of horrified warning, as she was about to step into the flower-basket; then she nearly tumbled out again in dismay, and was relieved to find herself safely wedged in, without having done any harm, while her father called out to Mr.

Lu Dung Bin has a sword and a flower-basket on his back. Li Tia Guai has the bottle-gourd, out of which emerges a bat, the emblem of good fortune. Lan Tsai Ho, who is also pictured as a woman, has a flute. Han Siang Dsi has a flower-basket and a dibble. Ho Sian Gu has a spoon, usually formed in the shape of a lotus-flower.

Rowsley was to understand that he might call himself married; she would have no flower-basket bunch of a sister-in-law thrust upon her. Lord Ormont and Mr. Eglett walked down to her bankers in the afternoon. As a consequence of express injunctions given by my lady five years previously, the assistant-manager sought an interview with her. The jewels were lodged at her house the day ensuing.

Before you retire to rest, your choice must be finally fixed, for to-morrow it will be irrevocable." With these words, she and the flower-basket disappeared in a moment from their sight.