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Cannon read it over, and then Arthur Dayson borrowed the old clerk's vile pen and with the ceremonious delays due to his sense of his own importance, flourishingly added the signature. When she came forth she heard a knock at the outer door. "Come in," she commanded defiantly, for she was still unconsciously in the defiant mood in which she had offered the lying letter to Mr. Cannon.

This, for him, is what it was to have married Charlotte. And they both," she neatly wound up, 'help." "'Both' ?" "I mean that if Maggie, always in the breach, makes it seem to him all so flourishingly to fit, Charlotte does her part not less. And her part is very large. Charlotte," Fanny declared, "works like a horse." So there it all was, and her husband looked at her a minute across it.

And in the mean while the hours were each leaving their little deposit and gradually forming the final reason for inaction, namely, that action was too late. The accepted lover spent most of his evenings in Lowick Gate, and a love-making not at all dependent on money-advances from fathers-in-law, or prospective income from a profession, went on flourishingly under Mr. Vincy's own eyes.

Everything went flourishingly; to be sure, there were more ladies than gentlemen, which required much watching and managing on Bea's part, that no lady should suffer a dearth of masculine attention.

Nay, not content with giving him the goods, many of the poor demented creatures actually paraded their folly at their doors in new deal packing-cases, flourishingly directed 'TO SIR HARRY SCATTERCASH, BART., NONSUCH HOUSE, &c. By Express Train. In some cases they even paid the carriage. And here, in the midst of love, luxury, and fox-hunting, let us for a time leave our enterprising friend, Mr.