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It has not yet given me the key, but it is something to know on what insecure, weak, and limited experiments our vaunted knowledge of the existence of the world of energy, of matter and their properties, depend." Frau Ellrich looked at him approvingly. "You speak beautifully, Herr Eynhardt, and it must be a great enjoyment to hear you lecture."

Eynhardt, that you had spoken against the Socialists?" "Because you did not ask me," answered Wilhelm, with a gentle smile. After a slight pause the magistrate resumed "You are on friendly terms with a Russian named Dr. Barinskoi?" "You can hardly call it that. I did know him, though not exactly in a friendly way, but for two years I have quite lost sight of him." "Did you know that Dr.

Nor could she conscientiously say, "the celebrated Dr. Eynhardt." He had no military title, and to introduce him as "the handsome Dr. Eynhardt" would hardly do. Fortunately she had no need to mention the latter adjective. The ladies observed without further assistance how remarkably handsome this gentleman was with his girlish complexion, silky, raven-black hair and beard, and lustrous dark eyes.

Conventionality began to assert its rights over nature, and the girl too felt confused at finding herself in the middle of a conversation with a strange man, suddenly shot down at her very feet. Wilhelm understood and shared her embarrassment, and bowing, he said: "As no doubt we are at the same house, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wilhelm Eynhardt.