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There were three of them in 1886, the big drought year: old Eversofar, Billy Marshall, and Bingong. I never was very jealous of them, not even when Billy gave undoubted ground for divorce by kissing her boldly in the front garden, with Eversofar and Bingong looking on to say nothing of myself.

Farewell and Farewell!" We had scarcely read it, when John Marshall and his wife came in agitation, and said that Billy's bed had not been slept in during the night. From the rouseabout we found that Eversofar and Bingong were also gone.

Eversofar was camped beneath a sandal- tree teaching a cockatoo, also hot and panting, but laughing low through his white beard; and Bingong, black, hatless less everything but a pair of trousers which only reached to his knees was dividing his time between the cockatoo and my wife. Presently Bingong sighted an iguana and caught it, and the three gathered about it in the shade of the sandal.

They had not taken horses, doubtless because Billy thought it would hardly be valiant and adventurous enough, and because neither Bingong nor Eversofar owned one, and it might look criminal to go off with mine.

Once when she was taken ill, and I was away in the South, he used to sit by her bedside, fanning her hour after hour, being scarcely willing to sleep at night; and was always on hand, smoothing her pillow, and issuing a bulletin to Eversofar and Bingong the first thing in the morning.

Old Eversofar, being weak and old, gave in, and Billy became a little delirious he has denied it, but Bingong says it is so; yet he pulled himself together as became the leader of an expedition, and did what he could for Eversofar until the rouseabout came with food and water. Then he broke down and cried he denies this also.

I have no doubt that Eversofar and Bingong cared for her just as much as he did; but, from first to last, they never had his privileges, and were always subordinate to him in showing her devotion. He was sound and frank with them. As for Bingong, he was only a black fellow, aged fifteen, and height inconsiderable.

I have no doubt that Eversofar and Bingong cared for her just as much as he did; but, from first to last, they never had his privileges, and were always subordinate to him in showing her devotion. He was sound and frank with them. As for Bingong, he was only a black fellow, aged fifteen, and height inconsiderable.

Old Eversofar, being weak and old, gave in, and Billy became a little delirious he has denied it, but Bingong says it is so; yet he pulled himself together as became the leader of an expedition, and did what he could for Eversofar until the rouseabout came with food and water. Then he broke down and cried he denies this also.

Eversofar was camped beneath a sandal-tree teaching a cockatoo, also hot and panting, but laughing low through his white beard; and Bingong, black, hatless less everything but a pair of trousers which only reached to his knees was dividing his time between the cockatoo and my wife. Presently Bingong sighted an iguana and caught it, and the three gathered about it in the shade of the sandal.