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Un germe est pose, renfermant en puissance tout ce que l'etre sera un jour; le germe se developpe, les formes se constituent dans leurs proportions regulieres, ce qui etait en puissance devient en acte; mais rien ne se cree, rien ne s'ajoute: telle est la loi commune des etres soumis aux conditions de la vie.

"Apres cette consecration, le Khoutoukhtou s'agenouilla devant le Bouddha, joignit les mains et prononca le voeu suivant: 'Puisse-je etre en etat de pouvoir faire parvenir a la beatitude les six especes d'etres vivans dans les trois royaumes! " 'Loin de moi le desir de retourner dans mon Empire de joie, avant d'avoir acheve l'oeuvre si difficile de la conversion de ces etres.

Under this would apparently fall the explanation of 'reality' which leads to a doctrine upon which he often insists, and which is most implicitly given in the fragment called Ontology. He there distinguishes 'real' from 'fictitious entities, a distinction which, as he tells us, he first learned from d'Alembert's phrase Êtres fictifs and which he applies in his Morals and Legislation.

The accurate investigation of the lowest forms of animal life, commenced by Leeuwenhoek and Swammerdam, and continued by the remarkable labours of Reaumur, Trembley, Bonnet, and a host of other observers, in the latter part of the seventeenth and the first half of the eighteenth centuries, drew the attention of biologists to the gradation in the complexity of organisation which is presented by living beings, and culminated in the doctrine of the "echelle des etres," so powerfully and clearly stated by Bonnet; and, before him, adumbrated by Locke and by Leibnitz.

JEAN COLERUS, "Vie de Spinoza," reprinted by Saisset, p. 4. SPINOZA, "Ethica," Definitions III., IV., V. "Il construit le systéme entiere des êtres avec ces trois seuls elements; la substance, l'attribut, et le mode." "Voila l'idée mere de la metaphysique de Spinoza." SAISSET, "Introduction," p. SPINOZA, "De Intellectus Emendatione." This treatise contains the exposition of his method.