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Sure, he can have some o' my linnyeemint. Well, y'arre a boss collector, Mac! Faith, ye bang the Jews! And me thinkin' ye'd be satisfied wid yer elephunt. Not him, be the Siven! It's an Esquimer he must have to finish off his collection, wan wid the rale Arctic cowld in his head, and two eyes that goes snappin' through ye like black torpeders. Two spissimens in wan day!

Kaviak had begun to cry for more punch, and Mac was evidently growing a good deal perplexed as to the further treatment for his patient. "Did ye be tellin' some wan, Father, that when ye found that Esquimer he had grass stuffed in his mouth? Sure, he'll be missin' that grass. Ram somethin' down his throat." "Was it done to shorten his sufferings?" the Colonel asked in an undertone.

O'Flynn was screaming with excitement as he saw that the bundle Nicholas was carrying had a head and two round eyes. "The saints in glory be among us! What's that? Man alive, what is it, be the Siven?" "That," answered Mac with a proprietary air, "is a little Esquimaux boy, and I'm bringing him in to doctor his cold." "Glory be! An Esquimer! And wid a cowld!

And he took steps that it should be, for he began stealing away Kaviak's few cherished possessions his amulet, his top from under the bunk, his boats from out the water-bucket, wherewith to mitigate the barrenness of the Yukon tree, and to provide a pleasant surprise for the Esquimer who mourned his playthings as gone for ever.

Kaviak could give points to any spider livin'!" This was on the morning that the Esquimer thought to escape scrubbing, even at the peril of his life, by getting up on to the swing-shelf how, no man ever knew.

Mac's view of his whole duty to man seemed to centre in the Saturday scrubbing of Kaviak. Vainly had the Esquimer stood out against compliance with this most repulsive of foreign customs. He seemed to be always ready with some deep-laid scheme for turning the edge of Mac's iron resolution. He tried hiding at the bottom of the bed. It didn't work.