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The action of the organisms and their toxins on the adjacent tissues leads to a rapid and wide spread of the process. The skin becomes moist and macerated, and bullæ, containing dark-coloured fluid or gases, form under the epidermis. The putrefactive gases evolved cause the skin to become emphysematous and crepitant and produce an offensive odour.

The wound of puncture was 5 cm. below the nipple and 2 cm. to the outside. The left side of the chest was emphysematous and ecchymosed. The heart-sounds were regular, and the elevation of the skin by the blade coincided with the ventricular systole. The blade was removed on the following day, and the patient gradually improved.

During the later period of the disease iodide of potassium, iron and bitter tonics should be given. BROKEN-WIND, HEAVES. The terms broken-wind and heaves are used in a way to include a number of different diseases of the respiratory organs of the horse. The term heaves is applied almost wholly to an emphysematous condition of the lungs.

The clavicle was fractured two inches from the acromial end, and the sternal end was driven high up into the muscles of the neck. The arm and hand were paralyzed, and the woman suffered great dyspnea. There was at first a grave emphysematous condition due to the laceration of several broken ribs. There was also suffusion and ecchymosis about the neck and shoulder.

Bullæ form on the skin, and the tissues have "a peculiar heavy but not putrid odour." The constitutional effects are extremely severe, and death may ensue within a few hours. #Acute Emphysematous# or #Gas Gangrene# was prevalent in certain areas at various periods during the European War.

Immunity is obtained by introducing the P. bigeminun into the blood, either by placing a few virulent young ticks upon the animal, or by repeated inoculation with a very small quantity of virulent blood. Give the cause and treatment of actinomycosis. Give the cause and treatment of emphysematous anthrax. Give the cause of tick fever; distribution of the disease and methods of control.

Bacterial varieties of gangrene. Pathology clinical varieties Acute infective gangrene; Malignant œdema; Acute emphysematous or gas gangrene; Cancrum oris, etc. Bed-sores: Acute; chronic. Gangrene or mortification is the process by which a portion of tissue dies en masse, as distinguished from the molecular or cellular death which constitutes ulceration. The dead portion is known as a slough.

The skin is emphysematous that is, bloated and yielding to pressure. It crackles when touched, and the surface, when the feathers are removed, presents a swollen bubbly appearance; for under the skin there is a layer of air-bubbles extending over the whole body and even down the legs under the horny tesselated skin to the toes, the legs thus having a somewhat massive appearance.

Both follow on the same kinds of injury and run an exceedingly rapid course. In malignant œdema, however, the incidence of the disease is mainly on the superficial parts, which become œdematous and emphysematous, and acquire a marbled appearance with the veins clearly outlined. Early disappearance of sensation is a particularly grave symptom.

Putrefactive gases may be evolved in the tissues, and their presence is indicated by emphysematous crackling when the part is handled. The spread of the disease is so rapid that its progress is quite visible from hour to hour, and may be traced by the occurrence of red lines along the course of the lymphatics of the limb.