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The soldier helped him, and soon their united exertions, with the fiery liquor, revived the fainting boy. Moor rode forward, and the wagon jolted on until the day's journey ended at Emmendingen. Count von Hochburg's retainers, who were to serve as escort from this point, would not ride on Christmas day.

The soldier helped him, and soon their united exertions, with the fiery liquor, revived the fainting boy. Moor rode forward, and the wagon jolted on until the day's journey ended at Emmendingen. Count von Hochburg's retainers, who were to serve as escort from this point, would not ride on Christmas day.

The inns at Emmendingen were among the largest and best in the neighborhood of Freiburg, and on account of the changes of escort, which frequently took place here, there was no lack of accommodation for numerous horses and guests. As soon as Ulrich was taken into the warm hostelry he fainted a second time, and the artist now cared for him as kindly as if he were the lad's own father.

Unluckily, the fun will be all over to-night, but to go without paying my respects to you. . . . Zounds! is that the little fellow the Hop-o'my-Thumb-who pressed forward to the muster-table at Emmendingen?" "Certainly, certainly." "Zounds, he has grown. We'll gladly enlist you now, young sir. Can you remember me?" "Of course I do," replied Ulrich. "You sang the song about 'good fortune'"

The inns at Emmendingen were among the largest and best in the neighborhood of Freiburg, and on account of the changes of escort, which frequently took place here, there was no lack of accommodation for numerous horses and guests. As soon as Ulrich was taken into the warm hostelry he fainted a second time, and the artist now cared for him as kindly as if he were the lad's own father.

How you stare at me, Master! Have you forgotten Christmas-day at Emmendingen, and Hans Eitelfritz from Colln on the Spree?" Every trace of anxiety instantly vanished from the face of the artist, who certainly had not recognized in this braggart the modest companion of those days.

The soldier helped him, and soon their united exertions, with the fiery liquor, revived the fainting boy. Moor rode forward, and the wagon jolted on until the day's journey ended at Emmendingen. Count von Hochburg's retainers, who were to serve as escort from this point, would not ride on Christmas day.

Unluckily, the fun will be all over to-night, but to go without paying my respects to you.....Zounds! is that the little fellow the Hop-o'my-Thumb-who pressed forward to the muster-table at Emmendingen?" "Certainly, certainly." "Zounds, he has grown. We'll gladly enlist you now, young sir. Can you remember me?" "Of course I do," replied Ulrich. "You sang the song about 'good fortune'"

All these marks of distinction might have turned a weaker brain, but Moor received them calmly, and as soon as he was alone with Ulrich or Sophonisba, appeared no less unassuming and kindly, than at Emmendingen and on the journey through France.

"Well, my little bird!" the jester began, joyously anticipating a confirmation of the clever inferences he had drawn, "I suppose it was a long flight to the churchyard, where we found you. On the grave is a better place than in it, and a bed at Emmendingen, with plenty of grits and veal, is preferable to being in the snow on the highway, with a grumbling stomach Speak freely, my lad!