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It seemed to attack the animals wholly regardless of their size and strength; its victims including a large bull and a beef steer, as well as cows, yearlings, and gaunt, weak trail "doughgies," which had been brought in very late by a Texas cow-outfit for that year several herds were driven up from the overstocked, eaten-out, and drought-stricken ranges of the far south.

"Turn them out, neck and crop, Dempster; the women are all for robbing a man," said the fellow; and a husky, eaten-out voice replied to him with a grunt and a laugh, "H'm! That's only what you're doing yourself, then, you rascal, and if I'd let the right one in long ago you wouldn't be here now nor I neither, would I, Jacko?"

"And even if, like the God of the others, it doesn't vouchsafe a special sign and wonder, it's Benlian, for all that?" "Oh, do be quick, Benlian! I can't bear another minute!" Then, for the last time, he turned his great eaten-out eyes on me. "I seal you mine, Pudgie!" he said. Then his eyes fastened themselves on the statue. I waited for a quarter of an hour, scarcely breathing.

The sick convict's eyes, between their festering lids, fixed on the warden's face and a sudden light flickered in their pale, glazed shallows; but he didn't speak. There was a little pause. "I said the governor has given you a pardon," repeated the warden, staring hard at him. "I heered you the fust time," croaked the prisoner in his eaten-out voice. "When kin I go?"