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The next three or four days were occupied with the preparations which were necessary for their journey to the borough of Eatanswill. As any references to that most important undertaking demands a separate chapter, we may devote the few lines which remain at the close of this, to narrate, with great brevity, the history of the antiquarian discovery.

It appears, then, that the Eatanswill people, like the people of many other small towns, considered themselves of the utmost and most mighty importance, and that every man in Eatanswill, conscious of the weight that attached to his example, felt himself bound to unite, heart and soul, with one of the two great parties that divided the town the Blues and the Buffs.

The ravings of the Eatanswill Gazette were mild in comparison to the epithets used by these little papers in describing the shortcomings of their "vile and reptile contemporary."

From that contest, Sir, although it may unsettle men's minds and excite their feelings, and render them incapable for the discharge of the everyday duties of ordinary life; from that contest, sir, I will never shrink, till I have set my heel upon the Eatanswill INDEPENDENT. I wish the people of London, and the people of this country to know, sir, that they may rely upon me that I will not desert them, that I am resolved to stand by them, Sir, to the last. 'Your conduct is most noble, Sir, said Mr.

This is quite in character. Boz calls the inn at Eatanswill, "The Town Arms." Why then would he call the White Horse by that name? The Town Arms of Ipswich have two white Sea Horses as supporters. This had certainly something to do with the matter. Mr.

No reasonable man would expect Dickens to be so literal as all that even about Bath or Bury St. Edmunds, which do exist; far less need he be literal about Eatanswill, which didn't exist. I must confess, however, that I incline to the Sudbury side of the argument.

Pott, of the Eatanswill GAZETTE. 'Beggin' your pardon, sir, said Sam, advancing with a bow, 'my master's here, Mr. Pott. 'Hush! hush! cried Pott, drawing Sam into the room, and closing the door, with a countenance of mysterious dread and apprehension. 'Wot's the matter, Sir? inquired Sam, looking vacantly about him. 'Not a whisper of my name, replied Pott; 'this is a buff neighbourhood.

It would have taken eight or nine hours a day's journey. Mr. Pickwick left Eatanswill about one or two, for the lunch was going on, and got to Bury in time for dinner, which, had he left Yarmouth, would have taken him to the small hours of the morning. No one was such a thorough "Pressman" as was "Boz," or threw himself with such ardour into his profession.

Angelo would not hear of anything of the kind; we must think of something less complicated. It would never have occurred to him to read for Metaphysics under M and for China under C, and combine the information into the article that appeared in the Eatanswill Gazette as a review of a work on Chinese Metaphysics. He asked if I had not lately had "una disgrazia qualunque."

Eatanswill, according to Dickens, was a town alive with loathsome corruption, hypocritical in all its public utterances, and venal in all its votes. Yet, two highly respectable towns compete for the honour of having been this particular cesspool, just as ten cities fought to be the birthplace of Homer.