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Jasper Grinder stood at his desk dumbstruck, with his face growing paler each instant. "Silence! silence!" he exclaimed, when he could control his voice. "Silence, I say, or I will cane you all! This is is most unseemly it is er mutiny! Silence!" "I mean just what I say, Mr. Grinder," went on Dick, when he could be heard. "You are master here, and we are bound to obey you, in certain things.

I remember thinking a few times that some girl was hinting that she liked me but when I would ask her out or mention romance, she'd always look shocked and be dumbstruck with disbelief that I could ever have thought she'd be interested in me." And here the soul sighed, as only souls can sigh. "Well, why didn't you just say something to me, like, 'I love you'?" asked Lissa. "I was afraid.

And the helmsman, standing alone, calmer, his face smooth and serious, his grizzled hair plastered to his brow, his hands clutching the wheel, seemed even yet to be guiding his wrecked three-master through the ocean depths! What a scene! We stood dumbstruck, hearts pounding, before this shipwreck caught in the act, as if it had been photographed in its final moments, so to speak!

But I will die slow, he sez, 'I will die very slow. "I cud see by the docthor's face that he was mortial sorry for the man, an' he ordhered him to hospital. We wint back together, an' I was dumbstruck; Love-o'-Women was cripplin' and crumblin' at ivry step. He walked wid a hand on my shoulder all slued sideways, an' his right leg swingin' like a lame camel.

Lo you, who are the object of my love, are the most lewd being under the heavens from remote ages to the present time!" Pao-yue was quite dumbstruck by what he heard, and hastily smiling, he said by way of reply: "My Fairy labours under a misapprehension.