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Roy Dullub handed the paper which we had brought containing our proposals to the Nabob, who read it over before he condescended to glance at us. No sooner did he see me, however, than his face changed. He turned his head, and whispered something to his favourite, pointing to me at the same time. Then he addressed us, with smooth civility, pretending to ignore our previous acquaintance.

For I must tell you, Athelstane, that all is not working smoothly in the government here. Surajah Dowlah, by his arrogance and violence, has made many enemies, among whom are his own uncle, Meer Jaffier, and Roy Dullub, the most important of the Gentoos.

"We do not deal with our enemies in that way. If our employer, Mr. Clive, desires to kill the Nabob, rest assured he will come in broad daylight, at the head of his army, and do it that way." Roy Dullub gave way after this rebuke, and led us into the presence of his master.

Through all these changes of demeanour I adhered to the firm conduct I had at first taken up, and by never permitting the tyrant to see that I feared him, succeeded time after time in damping his frenzy. At the same time I acquired the friendship and esteem of some of the most considerable persons of his Court, particularly Roy Dullub, the dewan already mentioned, and the famous Meer Jaffier.

The business of signing the treaty went on as rapidly as it could be pushed. But the greed of the Gentoos at every step of the transaction was most disgusting, and the cowardice and treachery of the Moors scarcely less so. The Dewan, Roy Dullub, at first objected that all the Nabob's treasure was not enough to satisfy the gratuities provided for in the treaty, but no sooner did Mr.

We were here received by Roy Dullub, the Dewan, who instantly recognised me, and manifested some alarm at my thus appearing in the character of Colonel Clive's emissary. He glanced over us both with an air of suspicion, and desired to know whether we had pistols concealed in our dress. Mr. Scrafton laughed in his face. "We are not assassins," he said severely.

The Meer was just now arrived in Moorshedabad from Plassy, where he had been in command of one division of the Nabob's army, the remainder having before been taken from him and given to Roy Dullub.