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"I run agin her when she was a biscuit-shooter." "Sidney, Nebraska. I run again her there, too." "I knowed her at Laramie." "Where's Lin? He knowed her all the way from Bear Creek to Cheyenne." They laughed loudly at this. "That's a lonesome coffin," said the Doughie. "That the best you could do?" "You'd say so!" said Toothpick Kid. "Choices are getting scarce up there," said Chalkeye.

But it feels it feels like I was looking at ten dozen Lin McLeans." And seeing them still helpless with Chalkeye, he joined them and lifted the cow-boy out. "I think," said Slaghammer, stepping forward, "this should proceed no further without some perhaps some friend would recite 'Now I lay me?" "They don't use that on funerals," said the Doughie.

By the door already were Jerky Bill and Limber Jim and the Doughie and always more, dashing up with their ponies; halting with a sharp scatter of gravel to hear and comment. Barker was gone, but the important coroner told his news. And it amazed each comer, and set him speaking and remembering past things with the others. "Dead!" each one began. "Her, does he say?" "Why, pshaw!"

"Toothpick Kid is here," said he, "and Limber Jim, and the Doughie. You'd think he'd stay away after the trouble he I expect that pinto is Jerky Bill's." "Go home!" said a hearty voice. McLean eagerly turned. For the moment his face lighted from its sombreness. "I'd forgot you'd be here," said he. And he sprang to the ground. "It's fine to see you."

"Here," said the Doughie, "here's a good hole." "Here's a deep one," said another. "We've struck a well here," said some more. "Put her in here." The sand-hills became clamorous with voices until they arrived at a choice, when some one with a spade quickly squared the rain-washed opening.

"We looked the lot over." They were arriving from their search among the old dug-up graves on the hill. Now they descended from their ponies, with the box roped and rattling between them. "Where's your hearse, Jerky?" asked Chalkeye. "Have her round in a minute," said the cowboy, and galloped away with three or four others. "Turruble lonesome coffin, all the same," repeated the Doughie.