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But to go on. The best informed English opinion is ripe for a complete working understanding with us. We've got to work up our end get rid of our ignorance of foreign affairs, our shirt-sleeve, complaining kind of diplomacy, our sport of twisting the lion's tail and such things and fall to and bring the English out. It's the one race in this world that's got the guts.

She tolerated his idleness, the apathetic disgust which, man of pleasure that he was, had turned him from the profession of diplomacy as from that of arms.

By Jingo, what excellent company they all were for him! And then he heard another murmuring sound, coming this time from behind him. He held his breath and caught the words "Ellen! I love you I love you!" He peeped round the tree, and for an instant saw them. A most gratifying tribute to his diplomacy but devilish disturbing to a young fellow without a girl!

In November, Commodore Samuel Barron arrived, and succeeded Captain Preble in command of the American squadron. He brought with him the President and Constellation, thereby increasing the force to ten vessels, carrying two hundred and sixty-four guns. Having failed to bring the Bashaw to terms by force of arms, the Americans now resorted to what may be termed diplomacy.

Then the old Huron woman entered, gesticulating and pleading for the youth's life. The men smoked on silently with deep, guttural "ho-ho's," meaning "yes, yes, we are pleased." The woman was granted permission to adopt Radisson as a son. Radisson had won his end. Diplomacy and courage had saved his life. It now remained to await an opportunity for escape.

The council as a whole did not need conversion on the main question at issue, for most of its members must have felt that it had exhausted the resources of peaceful diplomacy, and it showed its characteristic aversion to the provocation of a constitutional crisis, which might easily arise if the people chose to declare war on the motion of a magistrate without waiting for the advice of the fathers; while the obstructive minority may have been alarmed by the distant vision of a trial before the Assembly or before a commission of inquiry composed of judges taken from the angry Equites.

I give you my word it's all right all a mere bit of diplomacy and that nobody'll ever know you're in it that is, beyond a certain stage and that there's no danger to you." "What is it?" asked Murgatroyd, still uneasy and doubtful. Pratt pulled the evening paper out of his pocket and showed Murgatroyd the advertisement signed Halstead & Byner. "You see that?" he said.

You see, my dear Baron, I am quite a young King, and I shall commit many blunders before I learn the usages of diplomacy. But I mean well, and that goes a long way, much farther than Semlin, even beyond Vienna."

If it were so, that hard-hitting mariner would seem to have gone into action with the French Government as energetically as he had done eighteen months before, when, as master of the Tiger, he laid himself aboard the Spanish admiral and helped send the St. Augustine to the bottom. He seemed indisposed to mince matters in diplomacy.

But his father cut short his academical career, and decided, for reasons of his own, to place him at once in diplomacy. He was attached to the Embassy at Paris, and partook of the pleasures and dissipations of that metropolis too keenly to retain much of the sterner ambition to which he had before devoted himself.