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He might even lock her up." "If I thought that " cried Abner. "But he's not so much of a villain as that, for all his dictatorialness and his insulting treatment of me." "But he hain't in his senses jes' now, I tell you," replied Rogers, judicially. "Thah's no tellin' how much uv a brute he may act, an' it's her we should be thinkin' uv."

THE INTOLERANCE, DICTATORIALNESS, AND CONSERVATISM OF CROWDS. The reasons of these sentiments The servility of crowds in the face of a strong authority The momentary revolutionary instincts of crowds do not prevent them from being extremely conservative Crowds instinctively hostile to changes and progress. 5.

Without the restraining presence of the representatives of authority the contradictor, indeed, would often be done to death. Dictatorialness and intolerance are common to all categories of crowds, but they are met with in a varying degree of intensity. Here, once more, reappears that fundamental notion of race which dominates all the feelings and all the thoughts of men.

But to-night she seemed to take a freakish pleasure in letting him see that there was much of the old Ann still left in her: the frank conceit of her; the amazing self-opinionatedness of her; the waywardness, the wilfulness, the unreasonableness of her; the general uppishness and dictatorialness of her; the contradictoriness and flat impertinence of her; the swift temper and exasperating tongue of her.

The glad "Orlando!" and the forced smile did not deceive him, and his voice quavered a trifle as he held out his packet with the words: "I have come to show you what the world says of my invention. We will soon be great men," he emphasised, as Oswald opened the letters. "Money has been offered me and Read! read!" he urged, with an unconscious dictatorialness, as Oswald paused in his task.