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A natural result of this enlargement of the openings, which admitted access with the scraper to the interior peripheries of the thin-walled jars, was the rounding upward of their shoulders, making them taller in proportion to their diameters.

"Now, if the sun rotated in the same time as the earth, and their diameters were equal, the centrifugal force on the equators of the two orbs would be equal.

If it is actually a member of the Scorpius-Centaurus group, as we have strong reason to believe, it is fully 350 light-years from the earth, and its diameter is about 400,000,000 miles. Diameters of the Sun, Arcturus, Betelgeuse, and Antares compared with the orbit of Mars. Sun, diameter, 865,000 miles. Arcturus, diameter, 21,000,000 miles. Betelgeuse, diameter, 215,000,000 miles.

"Oh, how dreadful!" shriek the variegated young ladies. "It's really too awful!" "Mesdames, watch!" I cry. "Time is precious!" And I hasten to measure the diameters. I remember the corona, and look towards the wounded officer. He stands doing nothing. "What's the matter?" I shout. "How about the corona?" He shrugs his shoulders and looks helplessly towards his arms.

They consist essentially of two elliptical rotary pistons, cogged and working into one another in an air-tight case. The pistons fit close to the inside of the case, and gear into each on the line of their conjugate diameters.

About the centre C, which I suppose to be in the intersection of AH and FE, let there be imagined a hemi-spheroid QGqgM, such as the light would form in spreading in the crystal, and let its section by the plane AEHF form the Ellipse QGqg, the major diameter of which Qq, which is in the line AH, will necessarily be one of the major diameters of the spheroid; because the axis of the spheroid being in the plane through FEB, to which QC is perpendicular, it follows that QC is also perpendicular to the axis of the spheroid, and consequently QCq one of its major diameters.

This fact had also been established for Saturn's fifth satellite, and may be true for all satellites. In 1826 Struve measured the diameters of the four satellites, and found them to be 2,429, 2,180, 3,561, and 3,046 miles. In modern times much interest has been taken in watching a rival to Cassini's famous spot.

There could be no doubt of the cause of Mrs. Grove's blanched staring: just as there was no evasion of the danger created by no more than his scant recognition. Passion discovered was a thousand diameters increased; mutually admitted, it swept aside all opposition.

Although their use, if not their necessity, has passed away, not far from the Abbey gate the stocks and whipping-post, the latter arranged with three sets of iron loops fixed at different heights and of varying diameters to accommodate the wrists of man, woman, and child, may still be found in the middle of the Priests' Green.

The direction of immediate improvement In ordnance for iron-clad warfare appears to be the abandonment of cast-iron, except as a barrel to be strengthened by steel; binding an inner tube with low-steel hoops having a successively increasing initial tension; and the use of spherical shot at excessive velocities by means of high charges of powder in bores of moderate diameters.