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It was only after a decided effort that she tore herself away from the detectascope and knocked on Adele's door as if she had just come in for a visit. Again she knocked, but still there was no answer. Every minute something might be happening next door. She hurried back to her post of observation.

I found out through this little tube, the detectascope, that one really entered the room after that, and tried to wipe off any supposed finger-prints that might still remain. That settled it. The second will was a forgery, and the person who entered that room so stealthily this afternoon knows that it is a forgery."

Instead of the adulterated dope he had given Adele the purest kind. Why? Was there some secret he wished to lock in her breast forever? Mechanically the pulmotor pumped. Would it save her? Constance was living over what she had already seen through the detectascope. Suddenly she thought of the strange letter and of the money. She hurried into the drug store.

Without a word he pulled the detectascope from the wall and carried the whole thing to the developing-room of the local photographer. There he set to work on the film and I watched him in silence. He seemed very much excited as he watched the film develop, until at last he held it up, dripping, to the red light.

Mary followed Elaine into the room, where she had seated herself already, and locked the door. "Have you the money there?" she asked. "Yes," nodded Elaine, taking out the package of bills which she had got from the bank during the half hour delay. All this we could see by gazing alternately through the detectascope. Elaine handed Mary the money. Mary counted it slowly. At last she looked up.

Still she wondered whether Muller was the real source of the traffic of which Sleighbells was the messenger. She was determined to find out. All day she watched through her detectascope. Once she saw Adele come in and buy more dope. It was with difficulty that she kept from interfering. But, she reflected, the time was not ripe. She had thought the thing out.