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'Would His Honour allow me to inquire whether there are strong suspicions of any one? 'More than suspicions, sir, returned Mr. Sapsea; 'all but certainties. 'Only think now! cried Mr. Datchery. 'But proof, sir, proof must be built up stone by stone, said the Mayor. 'As I say, the end crowns the work.

Tope's window- bill, long a Cloisterham Institution, had disappeared; probably had tumbled down one day, and never been put up again. 'I'll call on Mrs. Tope, said Mr. Datchery, 'after dinner. So when he had done his dinner, he was duly directed to the spot, and sallied out for it.

But it was troublesome to turn, sir; I may say, difficult to turn with elegance. Mr. Datchery became so ecstatic over Mr.

Lang, and a critic with another theory, like Mr. Cumming Walters, becomes eternal and a trifle farcical. Mr. Walters says that all Mr. Lang's clues were blinds; Mr. Lang says that all Mr. Walters's clues were blinds. Mr. Walters can say that some passages seemed to show that Helena was Datchery; Mr. Lang can reply that those passages were only meant to deceive simple people like Mr.

Cumming Walters seriously maintains that it is this barbaric princess who puts on a wig and dresses up as Mr. Datchery. He urges his case with much ingenuity of detail. Helena Landless certainly had a motive; to save her brother, who was accused falsely, by accusing Jasper justly.

Collins till he had formed his theory, and finished his book. "On the conclusion of the whole work the pictures were referred to for the first time, and were then found to support in the most striking manner the opinions arrived at," namely, that Drood was killed, and that Helena is Datchery. Thus does theory blind us to facts! Mr.

'His Honour the Mayor does me too much credit, returned Mr. Datchery. 'Navy, sir? suggested Mr. Sapsea. 'Again, repeated Mr. Datchery, 'His Honour the Mayor does me too much credit. 'Diplomacy is a fine profession, said Mr. Sapsea, as a general remark. 'There, I confess, His Honour the Mayor is too many for me, said Mr.

The service is pretty well advanced before Mr. Datchery can discern Her Royal Highness. But by that time he has made her out, in the shade. She is behind a pillar, carefully withdrawn from the Choir- master's view, but regards him with the closest attention. All unconscious of her presence, he chants and sings. She grins when he is most musically fervid, and yes, Mr.

Datchery, with an ingenious smile and bow; 'even a diplomatic bird must fall to such a gun. Now this was very soothing. Here was a gentleman of a great, not to say a grand, address, accustomed to rank and dignity, really setting a fine example how to behave to a Mayor. There was something in that third-person style of being spoken to, that Mr.

Walters suggests that he may be aware that Helena, dressed as Datchery, is really absent at Cloisterham. However, next day, Helena is in her brother's rooms. Moreover, it is really a sufficient explanation of Grewgious's doubt that Jasper is lurking around, and that not till next day is a PRIVATE way of communication arranged between Neville and his friends.