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He wore an extravagantly long frock-coat, a pale-green waistcoat, a very full and dégagé black tie, and curious yellow gloves. This was his uniform as Colonel of a regiment of his own creation, the 1st Decadents Green. It was a beautiful sight to see him drilling them.

Whereupon Francis cleared his throat, disposed of his serviette, and rose to his feet, slowly but gracefully. Then he composed himself, and took on the air he wished to assume at the moment. It was a nice degage air, half naive and half enthusiastic. Then he crossed to Aaron's table, and stood on one lounging hip, gracefully, and bent forward in a confidential manner, and said: "Do excuse me.

"But I'm afraid you can't decide the question in such an off-hand, dégagé manner. Sleep over it. I've come to the conclusion that it isn't so much of a puzzle as to how you are to get the island as how to get off of it. Take good care of him, Mrs. Browne. Don't let him talk." She held out her hand to him impulsively. There was an unfathomable, unreadable look in her dark eyes.

And this Ivanhoe found to his discomfiture: for one morning at breakfast, adopting a degage air, as he sipped his tea, he said, "My love, I was thinking of going over to pay his Majesty a visit in Normandy."

She created exactly such a pair of lovers as I could have desired: for with respect to the truth and constancy with which she endowed them, if I cannot be the thing, I can wear the garb; ay and it shall become me too, shall sit degage upon me, and be thought my native dress. Think not that I am a mere listener: far the reverse.

In a very degage manner she informed me that his lordship, a most attractive and honourable young Englishman, had been one of Aline's warmest friends at the time of the divorce proceedings. But, of course, there was nothing in that! They had been good friends for years, nothing more, and he was a perfect dear. But she couldn't fool me.