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In the course of our breakfast, Baron d'Estournelles made a statement which I think impressed every person present. It was that, as he was leaving Paris, Jaures, the famous socialist, whom he knows well, said to him, "Go on; do all you can at The Hague, but you will labor in vain: you can accomplish nothing there, your schemes will fail, and we shall triumph," or words to that effect.

Quoted in Tylor's "Primitive Culture," ii. 221. Thorpe's "Northern Mythology," ii. 72, 73. Ibid., p. 219. "Superstitions of Modern Greece," by M. Le Baron d'Estournelles, in Nineteenth, Century, April 1882, pp. 394, 395. See Dorman's "Primitive Superstitions," p. 288. "The Tempest," act i. sc. 2. Dorman's "Primitive Superstitions," p. 288. Ibid., p. 295. See chapter on Demonology.

Tomorrow the United States and Europe will have to take measures for the convalescence of the earth. *Letters to Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler* *By Baron d'Estournelles de Constant.* Dr. *First Letter.*

A most earnest effort was made to induce the French to allow some such modification as has been put into other articles namely, the words, "autant que possible," or some limiting clause to the same effect; but neither Bourgeois nor D'Estournelles, representing France, would think of it for a moment. Bourgeois, as the head of the French delegation, spoke again and again, at great length.

D'Estournelles de Constant. Bulletin des Droits de l'Homme, May 15, 1919. Issued on November 9, 1918. An American Senator uncharitably conjectured that she received this honorable distinction in order to contribute an additional vote to the British. Cf. interview with a Persian official, published in the Paris edition of The Chicago Tribune, August 19, 1919. "Unfortunately, Mr.

This noon our delegation gave a breakfast to sundry members of the conference who are especially interested in an effective plan of arbitration, the principal of these being Count Nigra from Italy; Count Welsersheimb, first delegate of Austria; M. Descamps of Belgium; Baron d'Estournelles of France; and M. Asser of the Netherlands.

It had been scratched off with a pencil in the morning, hastily; but it was well received by Bourgeois, D'Estournelles, and all the others.