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"May I ask just how you expect to get Mary on the choo-choo?" "Now we are getting to the meat of the matter," said Varney. "We shall not have to get Mary on the choo-choo at all. We are going to use a yacht, which will be far more private and pleasant, and also far easier to get people on. Uncle Elbert's Cypriani lies in the harbor at this moment, ready to start anywhere at half a day's notice.

If he let Uncle Elbert's daughter go like this, he might as well put the Cypriani about at once for New York, for he knew that he would never have the chance to talk with her again. With engaging young friendliness which overrode reserve, she had been moved to ask his confidence, and he had angered her, even hurt her feelings, it seemed, by appearing to withhold it.

A reporter may be down on us at almost any minute. We can't stand being cross-examined. No searchlight of journalism playing about on the Cypriani just now, thank you. My own idea is " "To grab him, to batter the face off him " "No, to elude him. Not to be here. In short, to run away." "What? You can't mean that you are going to let that dog drive you back to New York?" "Well, hardly.

Passing the town-wharf laggingly like the maimed thing she was, limping nearer and nearer the spot whence she had set out three-quarters of an hour before, Mr. Carstairs's Cypriani slowed down at an abandoned private landing the same one by which Peter's trunk had been conveyed ashore that morning and ran out her stairs.

It was the sailing-master to say that his good spouse had come aboard and that everything on the Cypriani was in readiness for the start. "I'll be on board inside of an hour," said Varney. He telephoned to Uncle Elbert, telephoned to Peter, and locked up his desk. To his office he casually gave out that pressing business matters were calling him out of town for a day or two.