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The alert, middle-aged man sat up straight, and gazed placidly at Jules, who was pulling his famous red side-whiskers. 'Get a liqueur glass, he said, half curtly and half with good-humoured tolerance, 'pour into it equal quantities of maraschino, cream, and creme de menthe. Don't stir it; don't shake it. Bring it to me. And, I say, tell the bar-tender 'Bar-tender, sir?

The Baron, however, was the only occupant of the comfortable porch-room with the green-shaded lamp, to which Philip had come, passing Themar, who had left a tray of ice and crème de menthe upon the table.

I gave it a dost of Creme of Tarter and a fresh Poltice of Onions. ordered Shields, Gibson, Drewyer, Crusat, Collins, and Jo. & rubin Fields to turn out hunting and if possible Cross Collins Creek and hunt towards the quar mash fields.

Wendover's nature and outward characteristics, that Lady Palliser felt almost immediately at her ease with her, and forgot her newly-acquired manners, becoming a good deal more ladylike in consequence; since the strict and stern system of etiquette, formulated in the 'Creme de la Creme, did not lie conformably to the original formation of the little woman's disposition.

'But yes, Mademoiselle, one more, for nowhere else can crême de St. Gervais be achieved. They are desired, ardently desired, in Paris; but, alas! it is impossible to convey them so far, such is their exquisite delicacy.

At the bar Heise and Ryer ordered cocktails, Marcus called for a "creme Yvette" in order to astonish the others. The dentist spoke for a glass of beer. "Say, look here," suddenly exclaimed Heise as they took their glasses. "Look here, you fellahs," he had turned to Marcus and the dentist.

They'll probably postpone the game anyway. Say, this is queer looking stuff. What do you call it?" "Crème violette." The Dummy set down his emptied liqueur glass on the mantelshelf, and nodded approvingly at Vandover; then he scribbled, "Out of sight," on his tablet. "Tastes like cough syrup and alcohol," growled Ellis, scowling and sipping. "I think a pint of this would make the Dummy talk Dutch.

The spirit of adventure is in most people, and the desire and will to biff the Boches is in every one, so there you are. I drifted back via London, Dover and Boulogne, and thence up the same old stagnant line to Crême de Menthe. Once more back in the land of mud, bullets, billets, and star shells. It was the greyest of grey days when I arrived at my one-horse terminus.

Yet fanatics of young people like Annie and Rose Millar, who were persuaded that they were now well acquainted with a reverse of fortune, began to behave as if they considered it was no longer the crême de la crême of human experience to amass and retain a fortune.

They were not particularly well dressed generally, nor was I struck by the beauty of the young women. Mrs. Belmont, who is a leader of fashion in New York, said, "I hope you won't think this is the best of New York society;" however, I know I have at different times seen the best, and there were many there who represented la creme de la creme.