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When the last stitches had been put in, and the dress lay in all its gorgeous splendor across the chair, Peg coughed awkwardly and spoke of shoes. "You can't wear them cowhides with lace," said she. "I might make a pair if I had a day and the stuff," suggested Lafe, looking around helplessly. "Ain't time," replied Peg.

Meanwhile, John, who was even more shy of Ethelyn than James, had been made the recipient of the elegantly embroidered slippers, which presented so marked a contrast to his heavy cowhides, and were three sizes too small for his mammoth feet.

There was a corral full of shaggy horses, and another full of steers, and two lines of cattle, one going into a pond-corral, and one coming out. The air was gray with dust. A bunch of yearlings were licking at huge lumps of brown rock-salt. A wagonful of cowhides stood before the ranch-house. Hare reined in at the door and helloed. A red-faced ranger with sandy hair and twinkling eyes appeared.

It can be cold in our village, even in early September, when there is an easterly storm. Unbuttoning the shoes was slow work. "Here, let me help you!" commanded the captain, getting down on one knee and taking a foot in his lap. "Tut! tut! tut! you're wet! Been some time sence I fussed with button boots; lace or long-legged cowhides come handier. Never wore cowhides, did you?" "No, sir."

From an article in the Leader we gather that Frank Drake, editor of the Rushford Star, was horsewhipped by a woman who was dissatisfied with some article of his that appeared against her, in the Star. A woman that cowhides an editor is no gentleman. Somehow, during the election excitement, Frank Hatch happened to bet right just once.