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I dream I go to Hebben and rap at de doa, and a gent'man came to de doa wid black coat and powda hair. Whoa dere? Peeta Coopa. Whoa Peeta Coopa? Am not know you Not knowa Peeta Coopa! Look de book, Sa. He take de book, and he look de book, and he could'na find Peeta Coopa. Den I say, Oh! lad, oh! look again, finda Peeta Coopa in a corna.

He take de book, an he look all oba de book, many, many, many a time, corna an all; and he couldna finda Peeta Coopa wife. Den I say, Oh! lad, oh! look de black book; he take de black book, and he look de black book, and he finda Peeta Coopa wife fust page, 'Peeta-Coopa-wife, buckra-woman, bad-to-her-husband."

The head of the family walked through the house with bare feet at dead of night, making the mystic sign with his first and fourth fingers extended, the other fingers being turned inwards and the thumb crossed over them, in case he might run against an unsubstantial spirit as he moved noiselessly along. This is the sign of "le corna," held to be infallible against the Evil Eye in modern Italy.

The sign of "le corna," the first and fourth fingers extended, the others turned down and the thumb closed over them, still used against the Evil Eye in Italy, was a mystic sign used by the Romans in the festival of Lemuralia. And we meet with the belief also in this country.

A days sail before coming to Basora, we pass a small castle or fort called Corna, on the point of land where the Euphrates and Tigris join; whence the united waters of these two rivers form a very large river that runs into the gulf of Persia. Basora is fifty miles from the sea, and it a place of great trade in spices and drugs, which are brought from Ormuz.

To enumerate the crimes which he committed within the sphere of his own family, mysterious and inhuman outrages which render the tale of the Cenci credible, would violate the decencies of literature. A thoroughly bestial nature gains thus much with posterity that its worst qualities must be passed by in silence. Porto le corna ch' ognuno le vede, E tal le porta che non se lo crede.