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Distinctness of Mineral Character in contemporaneous Rocks of the Cretaceous Epoch. Fossils of the White Chalk. Lower White Chalk without Flints. Chalk Marl and its Fossils. Chloritic Series or Upper Greensand. Coprolite Bed near Cambridge. Fossils of the Chloritic Series. Gault. Connection between Upper and Lower Cretaceous Strata. Blackdown Beds. Flora of the Upper Cretaceous Period.

The so-called coprolite bed, found near Farnham, in Surrey, and near Cambridge, contains nodules of phosphate of lime in such abundance as to be largely worked for the manufacture of artificial manure. It belongs to the upper part of the Chloritic series, and is doubtless chiefly of animal origin, and may perhaps be partly coprolitic, derived from the excrement of fish and reptiles. The late Mr.

If it did, it would not bring it within the sphere of our properly imitative ornamentation. I thought it unnecessary to warn the reader that he was not to copy forms of refuse or corruption; and that, while he might legitimately take the worm or the reptile for a subject of imitation, he was not to study the worm cast or coprolite.

With her feelings of pity were always quickly followed by practical effort. In the midst of the winter's distress, one of the most cheering gifts received was from her praying band of coprolite diggers. After a watchnight service, they had spent the first moments of the consecrated new year in making a gathering from their hard-earned wages.

Dawson in a coprolite of a terrestrial reptile occurring in a fossil tree, no specimen of this class has been brought to light in the Joggins. But Mr. James Barnes found in a bed of shale at Little Grace Bay, Cape Breton, the wing of an Ephemera, which must have measured seven inches from tip to tip of the expanded wings larger than any known living insect of the Neuropterous family.

"My DEAR FRIEND, Thanking you for your daily remembrance of my continual wants in this the Lord's work among these poor migratory coprolite diggers, I must say it was indeed refreshing to think that this little hidden vineyard was laid on your heart to present to the Lord at the Bristol Conference.

On Christmas Day six of these joined our coprolite party to tea, and from eight to ten solemn prayer seemed laid on every heart for them; and again the following evening nineteen young men met to pray still for this village. Last evening eighteen Christians of various denominations met in a cottage at this said village.

C. H. Spurgeon had laboured when not yet twenty years of age, and where souls had been blessed through the youthful preacher. Some of these converts became my helpers, and are co-workers to this day. "It was in 1863 that I first became an almoner for others, whilst filled with a desire to build a missionhall among the coprolite diggers in Cambridgeshire.