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For in the year 1643, when the beginning of a bloody war between the king and parliament of England threatened the nation with a series of calamity and trouble; the parliament having convocated an assembly of divines to sit at Westminster for consulting about a reformation of religion in that kingdom, sent commissioners, consisting of members of both houses and assembly, to treat with the assembly of the church of Scotland, and convention of estates about these things.

Blue, without the help of his wife?" "My dear," said I, "you must positively send a paper on this subject to the next Woman's Rights Convention." "I am of Sojourner Truth's opinion," said my wife, "that the best way to prove the propriety of one's doing anything is to go and do it.

On the stagecoach leaving Lake George on a particularly cold day, she found to her surprise a wealthy Quaker, whom she had met at the Albany convention, so solicitous of her comfort that he placed heated planks under her feet, making the long ride much more bearable.

The project of the Concordat was sharply opposed in the Tribunate, which also ventured to declare that the first sections of the Civil Codes were not conformable to the principles of 1789 and to the first draft of a code presented to the Convention.

With the downfall of Robespierre went the last vestige of social or political authority; for the Convention was no longer trusted by the nation the only organized power with popular support which was left was the army.

In 1849 $40,000,000 of gold is taken from the soil by the miners. 1849 September 1, 1849, a convention to frame a State Constitution assembles at Monterey, the capital. On October 10 the constitution is adopted. 1850 September 9, 1850, California is admitted as a State, into the Union, without having been a Territory.

The Gironde retaliated, and, on the 13th of April, succeeded in rallying a majority of the Convention in a second onslaught against Marat for his incendiary articles. It was decreed that the Ami du peuple should be sent to the Revolutionary Tribunal. It was the last success of the Girondins, and it did not carry them far. The Jacobins closed their ranks against this assault.

Two nights before the Convention Mr Dillon and Mr Davitt visited Mr O'Brien at Mallow Cottage to discuss his draft Constitution. It is instructive, having in mind what has happened since, that Mr Dillon took exception to the very first clause, defining the national claim to be "the largest measure of national self-government which circumstances may put it in our power to obtain."

As soon as he was notified of his nomination, Judge Parker telegraphed to the convention that he regarded the gold standard as irrevocably established and that he must decline to be the party candidate if his attitude on the currency was unsatisfactory to the delegates.

"The situation is serious, but by no means hopeless." Nancy had not spoken of that. The ignorant cruelty of its convention! The man must have known what Hambleton Durrett was! Nancy read my thoughts, and took the paper from my hand. "Hugh, dear, if it's hard for you, try to understand that it's terrible for me to think that he has any claim at all.