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"Laura has told me that you thought I would do as much as this for you, and therefore I have done it." "Thanks, dearest. It is the old story, Violet, and I am so bad at words!" "I must have been bad at words too, as I have not been able to make you understand." "I think I have understood. You are always clear-spoken, and I, though I cannot talk, am not muddle-pated. I have understood.

She was rather short, but looked rather tall, from her even walk and way of carrying her head. Her figure was neat, and her face clear-spoken, with straight pretty eyebrows, and calm bright eyes. I felt that I could tell her almost any thing, and she would think before she talked of it. And in my strong want of some woman to advise with Betsy Bowen being very good but very narrow, and Mrs.

Fred did not approve of novels Esther could see that and she was sorry; for he seemed a nice, clear-spoken young man, and she would have liked to tell him that her mistress was the last person who would write anything that could do harm to anyone. But her mistress was waiting for her paper, and she took leave of him hastily. The next time they met was in the evening.

I feel like a son, growing up, who finds his mother isn't quite so clear-spoken nor quite so energetic as she seemed to be once. She's right, I feel sure. I've never doubted her fundamental goodness." "Yes," said Lady Sunderbund, very eagerly, "yes." "And yet there's this futility.... You know, my dear lady, I don't know what to do.

He got them unbrokenly for ten minutes Wontner and Clausewitz mixed, but Wontner in a film of priceless cognac distinctly on top. When The Infant came back, he renewed his clear-spoken demand that Infant should take his depositions. I supposed this to be a family trait of the Wontners, whom I had been visualising for some time past even to the third generation.