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Contes Populaires de la Khabylie du Jurgura, p. 239. Paris, 1892. Le chausseur. Legendes et contes merveilleuses de la grande Khabylie, p. 20. 2 vols. Tunis, 1893-1898. Le fils du Sultan et le chien des Chrétiens, p. 90. Histoire de Ali et sa mère. R Basset, Nouveaux Contes Berbers, p. 18. Paris, 1897. La Pomme de jeunesse. Spitta-bey, Contes Arabes modernes, p. 12. Ley de 1883.

So I was forced to content myself with tipping the head-waiter and the vestiaire, the chausseur who opened the door, and the tall commissionnaire who welcomed us upon the pavement and whistled for a petite voiture. "Where to, messieurs?" the man asked, as the carriage drew up. Even then Louis hesitated.

The family very likely came at first from France, and the name may mean shoemaker, from an old Norman word chaucier or chaussier, a shoemaker. And although the French word for shoemaker is different now, there is still a slang word chausseur, meaning a cobbler. We know nothing at all of Chaucer as a boy, nothing of where he went to school, nor do we know if he ever went to college.

Such was the state of affairs, when the entrance of the chief butler harbingered other occurrences, and much more serious than Petereeine's damaged jaw. Mick Kalligan had been in the "heavies" with my father, and at Salamanca, had ridden the opening charge, side by side, with him, greatly to the detriment of divers Frenchmen, and much to the satisfaction of his present master. In executing this achievement, Mick had been a considerable sufferer his ribs having been invaded by a red lancer of the guard while a chausseur-